The dependants of a teacher who dies in service are entitled to Death Gratuity and Dependants Pension if the teacher was serving on Permanent and Pensionable terms and was confirmed in the service.

For Death Gratuity to be paid the following shall apply:

  1. Deceased teacher’s name is removed from payroll and overpayment recovered if any.
  2. The next-of-kin should submit original death certificate and a letter by area chief identifying the next-of-kin and dependants.
  3. The next of kin will settle over payment if any.
  4. The claim is forwarded to the Director of Pensions for payment.

NB: In case of a dispute, the parties involved are referred to the Deputy County Commissioner for arbitration. The dependants may also seek legal redress from a court of law. Pension is paid to the deceased dependants who are aged below 18 years for a period of 5 years.

Killed while on duty

This is pension paid to dependants when a teacher is killed while on duty. The benefit is payable to the spouse and/or dependants of a teacher who dies as a result of injuries in the actual discharge of duty and without his/her own intention.

NB: The retirees/next of kin are informed when the claims are forwarded to the treasury for payment.