Study leave will be granted in line with the policy existing from time to time.

Procedure of applying for study leave

  1. The application should be forwarded to the Commission at least one month before the commencement date.
  2. An application should be accompanied by the admission letter.
  3. A teacher should not proceed on leave before approval and formal release.
  4. Once granted, leave should be utilized for the approved purpose failure to which disciplinary action will be taken.
  5. Teachers should report for posting 30 days before expiry of the leave and provide evidence of having undertaken studies.
  6. Those on study leave lasting less than six months should report back to their stations for allocation of duties. Their heads of institutions should inform the Commission immediately.


Teachers who are granted study leave with pay will be bonded to work for the commission as follows:

  1. For courses lasting six months but less than one year will be bonded for a period of one year.
  2. For courses lasting less than two years will be bonded for two year.
  3. Those attending courses lasting two years or more will be bonded for three years.

Where a teacher under bond obligation chooses to terminate his/her service, he/she will be required to pay in full the total cost of training, the salaries and allowances paid to him/her while on study leave.

Self-sponsored teachers will be required to repay an amount equivalent to the salaries and allowances paid to them while on study leave. The bond will not be applicable to those who have proceeded on unpaid study leave.